Our Goal
Here’s the buzz! Your donation supports the upkeep and expansion of the BeEdmond app, helping to keep it a community outreach of
Edmond Family Counseling and not a forum for advertisers. Please be our partner in providing the valuable resource to our community
by making a tax deductible contribution.
If you or your organization would like to contribute by mail, checks can be sent to:
Edmond Family Counseling
1251 N. Broadway, Ste. C
Edmond, OK 73034
(Specify “BeEdmond” in memo)
Community Partners
Your business can become part of “The Hive”! If your business would like to display the “BeEdmond” logo, please email us and request
information on how to participate.

Phone: 405.341.3554
Edmond Family Counseling
1251 N. Broadway, Ste. C
Edmond, OK 73034